What Others Have to Say…

Braxton Shelley is a gifted, multi-dimensional minister of music, whose range and repertoire embrace the full gamut of African-American sacred music. Mr. Shelley seamless merges his ecclesiastic practicum and his academic training to offer music that inspires the listener to worship God and to appreciate the well-crafted sound and song. This writer has had the opportunity to review Mr. Shelley’s work as a critic evaluating music for placement in Performance Division of the Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc. and as a church choir director. His pen and performance always makes a positive, worship-filled impact.

Rev. Dr. Rodney A. Teal

Pastor, Jerusalem Baptist Church

Braxton Shelley is an emerging prophetic voice for this generation. He is a phenomenal man of valor and truth who is well prepared to guard the Holy with authenticity and creativity as he speaks directly to the heart of humanity. The world will benefit greatly from this gifted leader!

Rev. Stephen A. Green

National Director, NAACP Youth/College Division

Book Dr. Shelley

Dr. Shelley would love to come to your institution or church to give a lecture, deliver a sermon, conduct a music workshop, or to fulfill any other suitable mode of service.  Reserve your date now!

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